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The Singles Valentines Day 

Did I have Valentines Day Plans? Why yes, yes I did!


They were extra special too! I got to spend the day surrounded by beautiful souls of our students at World Missions Outreach!


I couldn’t have ask for a more purpose-filled day of laughs, love, and endless hugs!


On a day meant to celebrate all the feels, I certainly was spoiled with moments like these!

Valentines Day Sponsor Letters
Mission Trip to Nicaragua Schools

My ideal Valentine’s Day is getting to spend time with those who fill my bucket up and give my life purpose.

I spent Valentines Day at World Missions Outreach doing just that!


The students had a gift exchange and our intern Lara Mullis gave each student a special Valentines gift!


We got to meet with every single student, hear their stories and learn more about what makes each of them special and unique!

I could not have asked for a better way to spend my Valentines. Whenever you walk through the doors of World Missions you are instantly embraced with love and an overwhelming sense of hospitality. I’m thankful that I get to share these moments that turn into lifetime friendships!

Amanda Sowards Humanitarian
World Missions Outreach Amanda Sowards
Amanda Sowards Humanitarian
Amanda Sowards Humanitarian

A very special Valentines Day to our Founder and Director Donna Wright, our own personal Mother Terissa.

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