Name: Amanda Sowards
Career: Missions Director | Humanitarian
My entire life I dreamed of becoming a news anchor or entertainment reporter. After college, I was fortunate enough to accomplish that dream, long enough to realize that this was a dream that I no longer wanted.
I spent years as a Morning show personality at Radio Disney and Clear Channel Media & Entertainment. Transparently, I stayed in this career path because it sounded cool on paper and people acted like it made me “cooler” than I probably really am. My ego and pride kept my quality of life hostage because the idea of just being, “me” without a cool sounding title was something I wasn’t willing to accept.
It took a lot arguing with God and learning to be real with myself before I was ready to finally let my pride go.
I took a leap of faith, cried some tears, found humbleness, and decided that being a no one in the eyes of the world didn’t matter if I could be a someone in the eye’s of God.
That decision has changed my life forever! I found my worth and purpose in following what I felt like God was calling me to be. Knowing I am living out a life of purpose is more than a cool sounding job, that only left me feeling empty inside, could ever bring.
This is why I am accepting the #ChangeLivesChallenge. I want a World Missions Outreach Student to have the chance to follow the path that God is calling them to serve out their life purpose for.
I am challenging everyone who reads this to also accept the #ChangeLivesChallenge to #SaveWMO in #Nicaragua•
What is the challenge? A way to help us save our ministry World Missions Outreach from having to close its doors In 2019 and a chance for you to WIN A FREE MISSION TRIP to Nicaragua!
What are you waiting for! Help us #savewmo and join in the fun by accepting the challenge!
—Dig the shirt?
All proceeds go to #savewmo
Click Here to accept the challenge
Click here to see who accepted the challenge.
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Click here to donate to the campaign.
Click here if you want to intern with us!
Click here to plan your next mission trip.
Click Here to shop our merch! All proceeds give back and go to WMOC and Feed 5000.
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