Meet Laydi.
She is a 7 years old princess who stole my heart while in La Cherreca.
La Chureca is a literal landfill that hundreds of families live in. National Geographic labeled it as one of the 7 most horrendous places on earth; but Laydi, just calls it home.
Recently I was asked why I have chosen to stick it out with the civil unrest crisis and the collapse of Nicaragua’s economy. From the outside, it probably seems illogical that some crazy gringa is choosing to stay even though it depleting our finances and nothing about being here is easy.
For me, I call it purpose and calling.
As a missionary, a humanitarian, a disciple… I can not look anyone here in the face and say, “sorry, we are done, it’s to hard, maybe we will come back later when things are easier”. If I’m bold enough to call myself by these defining words then I see no other option but to live them out with my actions.
Just like National Geographic, anyone can label you, but like Laydi, who is really living out the labels we accept or are given without choice?
The people of Nicaragua don’t have the luxury to pack their backs up and “go home”. This is their home. Their home has become a living hell with no one willing to stick it out with them.
My job is to fill the void, provide a hand up to those who can’t escape hell on earth, to live out my purpose, bring heaven down to earth, and serve my calling as the Light that glorifies the One who called me to serve, Jesus. Letting it all go because it’s “to hard right now” has never been an option for this ministry or me personally.
I can’t say I know what it’s like to be Laydi, to wear the label of La Chureca. I can say, I see you, I hear you, + I’m not going anywhere. I answered the call. Will you?
Mission teams are what keep our ministry financially able to operate. Please consider answering the call to serve on 1 of our Summer mission trips. Dates just announced for World Missions Outreach teams! See below. Can’t join a team? Please, consider supporting our ministry that answers the call of children just like Laydi.
Together we are changing the future! • Join a team at the links below!
Summer mission trip dates May 15-22 May 26 - June 2 June 5 - 12 June 16-23 July 14-21 July 24 - 31
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